
‘Hear Comes The Sun – There Goes The Ice’
Location: Disko Bay, Greenland.
30 individual digital prints on aluminium, dimensions variable.

Somewhere off the west coast of Greenland on board the Grigory Mikheef I turned to Robyn and said do you remember the lyrics to Here Comes The Sun; he could. We wrote them out and I started to explain an idea to make a semaphore signal performance version of the lyrics as the sun was rising. Later, well much later that night we went on deck and I recorded Robyn performing a semaphore version of Here Comes The Sun with the sun on the horizon and a temperature of around minus 20c.

Later we developed the idea further and Robyn extended the piece to include ”There Goes The Ice’ which went on to become a song and the second part of the photo performance work ‘Here Comes The Sun – There Goes The Ice’

With thanks to Robyn Hitchcock and Nathan Gallagher
